Imagine that gut-punch feeling when the mechanic tells you that your boat motor is messed up.
Remember that feeling when he tells you how much it’s going to cost?
Our technicians don’t like doing that.
But when people try to work on their boats by themselves, it’s going to happen.
That’s why our crew wishes boat owners would hire professionals to take care of things – especially preemptive work that can help keep trouble on the water at bay.
“When the professionals do the work, the customer has piece of mind it will be done right and, if not, they will correct it.” technician Charles Rogers said.
He’s got a good point. It’s got to be cheaper than the other way around. Not to mention having the family out in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay when the motor conks out.
Technician Zach Underwood agrees, and adds that, at Lynnhaven: “We have specialty tools. You can damage your boat sometimes using the wrong tools.”
Lynnhaven techs also are all certified, especially when it comes to all of the new technology associated with today’s vessels.
“These new boats are very advanced and we have the knowledge and computers to diagnose and repair these modern engines,” he said. “Some of these engines have up to 13 electronic modules onboard.”
Service manager Jon Scott just wants customers to be happy and enjoy the boating season.
“I believe people enjoy their boats more when they just use them and the burden of maintenance is left to the pros.”
So if you just don’t like that hard shot to the stomach and hate writing too many zeros in your checkbook, get up with the crew here at Lynnhaven.
They get you ready for the water.
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