Merry Christmas from Ellen, Oliver, and myself – sucking it up in the cold to get a little holiday shot.

Yes, that’s a selfie stick. No judgment, please.

And Merry Christmas from the folks – actually, the family – at Lynnhaven Marine. The crew has blessed me with the opportunity to continue my outdoors work after leaving The Pilot. It’s a good bunch and my little family prays they all have a wonderful Christmas and New Years in what will be close to one of the strangest years that even my wacky mind could never have predicted.

And, yes, I still use “Christmas” – the day lots of us celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s my faith. All the lights and trees and gifts help to give the season a nice, warm glow. But we know that’s not what it’s really all about. No matter who you worship or who gives you guidance, take the time to celebrate the lights, the family, the friends, the great food, and the fellowship religious-based bring with them.

For me, my family and dear friends, that comes with a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And know that the sentiment is meant for everybody.

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