We all remember those first sensations of fall – cooler air, a decision to wear a sweatshirt, the question of whether or not to winterize the boat or get it ready for chilly fishing trips.
But these days, with all that’s going on in our country and the rest of the world, other thoughts join the mix.
The future.
What is it going to look like is anybody’s guess – especially with all of the crazy things taking place around the world and here at home.
It’s a zoo out there, and I’m not talking about the friendly place where you can marvel at all the animals.
It’s a mess. People hate each other and want to cause pain to those who don’t share their beliefs.
Such a waste.
Which brings us to boating and fishing – especially during the months when cold air and freezing water makes it all the more dangerous.
It seems like a great time to refresh your relationship with a greater power.
I’m Christian and was baptized when I was 6. Now, at 65, with all the horrible news flooding our minds, I figured it was a good time to renew that relationship.
My neighbor – Ernest Sutton and his wife – recently built a pool house in their backyard that faces ours. The place is so big that our house would fit in it.
But that’s irrelevant these days. Their faith is.
Luckily, Ernest’s brother is a pastor. So I discussed my idea with Ellen, reached out to Ernest and started talking with Pastor Abel Sutton about a brief, Sunday morning event – just us three fellas and our three better three-fourths.
So it was set – 8 in the morning, in the pool, getting dunked and reaffirming my relationship with the Lord.
Oh, and that quick unannounced dunk in the pool.
Yes, it was marvelous and I find my talks with my Savior being more meaningful than ever.
With some health issues, my age and plans to do some serious fall salt and freshwater fishing, it’s better than ever to know He is looking out for me.
The Suttons are fantastic folks and Pastor Abel’s flare for the important moment – which will stay with me to the end – was special.
And to the Lord, I can’t thank Him enough for bringing my own saint into my life. Ellen has gone well out of her way to take care of me through my traumas and she has made sure everything has been taken care of.
And thanks to Pastor Sutton and his family for helping me on this journey.
With that, it’s time to head to the inlet or an area lake to let some speckled trout, puppy drum and largemouth bass tug on my line.
To read more of my work, go to: leetolliveroutdoors.com