The celebration of the birth of Jesus – or whatever spiritual leader that guides you your way – has passed or still is in full gear.
The new year will (or has) marked the start of 2024 – 12 months that already have the potential to be one of the craziest ever.
Whatever the case, we and the rest of the world sure hope things turn around. Another year like 2023 is difficult to imagine.
Let’s face it, it’s been nothing less than bonkers.
No matter your beliefs, there’s no getting around the current state of the union – or any other part of the world where things are less than desirable.
There’s no need to delve into hopes of better things.
But I’m going to play with it a little anyway.
Praying that people of different faiths, countries, or traditional ways of life finally figure out how to keep our fragile planet spinning and in the right direction is a great place to start.
Yet a mild knowledge of history leaves the gut already knowing the chances are slim at best. Let’s face it, people all over the world for whatever reason have always taken their differences to the spear, sword or bullet.
And it sure would be nice to fill up the gas tank and buy a week’s worth of groceries without having to take out a 20th mortgage.
Even better, how about good, solid and safe places for homeless and hungry to call home – even if it is temporary.
A much better, world-wide love of fish, land animals, birds, flowers and all those things we marvel in would help plenty.
Let’s face it, taking away the woods and waters would be no less than traumatic.
So we’ll plow on – with the love and understanding we all need and want.
And, hopefully, with the joys of a fish making it to the boat or a bear walking by a tree stand, we’ll make it through another journey around the sun.
Even if it is crazy.To read more of my work, go to: